Thursday, April 30, 2020

Social distancing.... day 46

Today was a cold and rainy day. There really was not a lot going on today. I had a really hard time focusing on work today. I did as much as i could but also spent some time hanging out with Siobhan. 

Connor and Siobhan has their dance classes today. It made me laugh because they did the same class in two different rooms. The teachers voice was echoing. Such is life now i guess.

When connor was in sixth grade his English teacher had then write letters to themselves and she wrote letters to them. She said she would mail them during their senior year. He got his letter today.

His grade six teacher was the one who suggested he get Into the musical in grade seven. In the body of her letter she wrote “I hope you eventually joined the drama program”. I’m sure she’s not surprised at how things have gone for him!

Funnily enough, aisling and Siobhan have had the same grade six teachers so they will also get letters. This is such a thoughtful thing. And so nice to get it now. 

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