Thursday, April 9, 2020

Social distancing .... day 27


Today was Thursday of a four day week. So that’s always nice. I realized I forgot to do the blog yesterday.  It was a bit of a crazy day at work but we found time to go for a walk in the beautiful weather yesterday. Aisling and I accidentally twinned.
When we got home we were able to play a dinner game.

Thursday was a crazy day. I was in tons of meetings across the day. Seems like that will continue to happen as we figure out remote learning. 

Today was also extremely cold and rainy. So no walks happened today. Siobhan was pretty cranky today so we allowed some extra TV watching. 

I needed to leave and run an errand today. I needed to go get fingerprints done for my other job. It was eerie being outside. I wore my mask which was a little  unsettling, but very important.

When we got home we decided to make a treat. We had too much dough but it turned out all right.

All in all a rather stressful day. Glad for a long weekend so we can rest together. These days are so different and so stressful. My back has been very sore from all the sitting. This is not the life I am used to. 

Hope everyone is safe. 

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