Friday, April 24, 2020

Social distancing.... day 42


TGIF. this week has been a long week and I am thrilled that it’s over.  

Siobhan has some animal snuggle time.

Aisling got a new desk chair today. That was actually a proces. Amazon did not have any available and cancelled our order. Al then tried a few stores after that with no luck. Finally after a few days of looking at various stores he finally found one.

Friday nights have been take out night night. Tonight we had Italian.

We also watched the new trolls movie. It was $20 to rent, which I thought was insane. Then I realized that they were not able to release it to theaters. So I’m sure they were facing a considerable financial loss! It was a cute movie. A little crazy, but cute.

We’ve been playing a lot of “guitar hero” lately, which has been really fun. Even Aislings been joining in!

The other day there was a beautiful sunset. Siobhan used a timer and grabbed this photo of herself. I’m so impressed!

Have a great weekend everyone. 

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