Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Social distancing ... day 38

Today was Monday but it was patriots day so I didn’t have to go to work and the kids didn’t have school. Sadly, Al still had to work. 

The dogs awoke for some good snuggles this morning since we slept in.

Siobhan and I also took a drive to do an errand. We donated a bunch of packages of Girl Scout cookies to a friend of ours who is a respiratory therapist for Beth Israel hospital. She said the timing was perfect as this week they are running low on supplies. Sounds like sometimes they have enough and other times they do not. We hope the cookies bring them some joy.

It didn’t feel like enough but it’s something.

Tonight we also had the arrival of our new guitar hero game. This will be a fun way to continue with social distancing. We’ve had a blast using it so far!

Siobhan is sleeping in our room again (after watching criminal minds) but we’ve got her on a cot. Maybe now I’ll sleep better. :)

I heard there were 18 pages of obituaries in the Boston paper and I’ve seen Information on people I k know losing loved ones. I feel fortunate to have this not happen yet. 

I’m also reading about places where people are protesting this closing of states and demanding that they be allowed back out. I feel very very blessed to still have my job and not be in any financial crisis. However, I also don’t think people are understanding this. That’s very frustrating. In a few places key People who have protested have ended up sick. Very scary. 

Have a great week everyone. 

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