Thursday, May 7, 2020

Social distancing ... day 55 birthday edition!


I looked it up. It’s 55 days. I don’t know how Imessed 
That all up! 

Today was siobhans 12th birthday. We tried really really hard to make it special during this social distancing time and I hope we were successful. :) 

The day was a pretty typical (for this time) day. It was wear your camp shirt day at camp runels. So that drove our dress code.

Siobhan has a belly ache for most of the day. I think she had some anxiety of having a birthday in quarantine. But she could describe what was going on. 

We had lunch out today, and Siobhan was able to have a first come! She’s been asking for Diet Coke daily so today was special lol!

At 3:00 we had a surprise parade for her birthday. She was very surprised! It was amazing and we appreciate everyone who came to make her day special!! 

After that we had dinner and gifts and cake. 

Aisling made the cake. It was so good! I forgot to take a picture of the whole thing. But it had strawberries and had strawberry jam in the middle. So yum.
She’s a little spoiled; but we’re hoping everything keeps her entertained for a while, since we don’t really know what the summer will look like. 

We also got a gift for the cat. Although I’m not sure the cat understands. Siobhan has been taking the take outside, so we got a harness and leash. We’ll see if the cat likes it lol!

A bunch of friends came to the parade from RDA. While they were all visiting they realized they had missed clsss. Their teacher made them do their warm up right there. It was hysterical

Overall a really fantastic and fun day. It was a joy to see siobhan get so happy. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in her life. 

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