Saturday, May 23, 2020

Social distancing.... day 69

Today was connors last day of high school. It was an emotional day. I took him to chs for some pictures.

The students at chs have a tradition where on the last day all the seniors go to a specific place and hang out. It’s very sad that he didn’t get to do that. There were apparently a lot of seniors who *did* do that. That’s frustrating to me. It’s not safe and it’s not respectful. 

The weather was lovely although really hot today! We played a game outside with lunch.

Siobhan has a birthday parade today. While driving home we saw a huge turkey!

We ate dinner outside. We also ordered some ice cream sundaes and played games outside to celebrate connors last day.

After dinner we watched some tv outside as well.

It was a juice day and a great way to celebrate connors last day today. 

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