Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cats, guniea pigs, and other musings

The cat presented us with a great science lesson tonight. "Hey kids, come watch the cat dissect a chipmunk". Were the kids grossed out? Oh heavens no. They thought it was cool. I tried to tell them that we too were having chipmunk for dinner, but they didn't believe me.

Siobhan had her four month appointment today. She weighed in at a hefty 13 pounds 9 ounces. She was 24 inches long. When Connor was four months he weighed 17 pounds 3 ounces, and he was 26 1/2 inches long. He was also pretty much eating entire steak dinners. When Aisling was 4 months she weighed 14 pounds 12 ounces, and was 25 and 3/4 inches long. Siobhan is the runt of our little litter! Siobhan also had her shots today, poor baby, and is sleeping upstairs.

Connor had his first grade open house tonight. Al went with him and Aisling. What was Connor most excited to show them? You guessed it, Zack's new cage.

Here's a quick trip to the Heather soapbox. There's a new movie out called "Tropic Thunder". I don't know a heck of a lot about it, but I do know that within the movie there are scenes that perpetuate stereotypes of persons with intellectual disabilities. Disability awareness groups all over the country have launched protests and what not. I just wanted to share with you a video that was made in response to this movie. It's a great video, and worth sharing with everyone you know. It speaks to the very heart of why I do what I do on a daily basis.


How can you not love that face?!


angeleyes Blue said...

Hey Wyatt--You are walking! You are doing way better than cousin Pam. I am still in a wheelchair :( I will be walking again sooner than later.

Heather thanks for sharing your video. Once I figure out how to do it I will forward this to all my friends including fellow members on the Board of Directors for Alta Mira which helps parents weave their way through the disabled jungle. Alta Mira provides services for individuals who are special and have special needs. Services are for people who have special needs from birth to age 100.

Have a great day Heather :)

angeleyes Blue said...

I bet that chipmunk tasted like chicken. That is what Glenn and always told our kids when they were younger--ie: You like it it's chicken! Even when it was ham or hamburger--it was always chicken.

Chipmunk/Chicken Fricesea sounds like fun. Have an awesome day
The Albuquerque Tuckers

Unknown said...

Get off your soapbox about Tropic Thunder! I saw it and it wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. Nonetheless, the joke is that Ben Stiller plays an actor who had played a Mentally Challenged farm hand. The joke is not about people with disabilities, the joke is on him. He is a bad actor! His interpretation of a mentally challenged person is the joke. It's a joke about the arrogance of actors, not the realites of mental disability. How is that any different than Sean Penn's role in I Am Sam? The difference: Sean Penn is a good actor, Ben Stiller's character in Tropic Thunder is a horrible actor.

mamafrugoli said...

Pam: Wyatt is doing a great job in his walker, it's so cool to see! I am bummed to hear that you are using a wheelchair these days. Here's hoping for strength for you!

Kevin: while your perspective is a common one, I think that's too large a task to be accomplished in on (albeit crappy) film. If I saw students walking down the hallway acting the way that Ben Stiller acts in the movie, they would be suspended for harassment. I am Sam is an fairly honest portrayal of the life of a man with a disability. This movie is so far from that that it does become insulting, weather it meant to or not. Besides, my blog=my soapbox.