Sunday, March 22, 2020

Social distancing.... day 9

Happy Sunday!! 

Today al got up with the dogs and let me sleep in. The kids were also slow to wake. A nice lazy morning all around. 

When aisling awoke we decided to make donuts! A friend had shared a recipe. It was so fun having some special time with her.

The recipe was tricky but we loved it. The donuts turned out a little heavy, but delicious!!
Aisling also made a Nutella glaze to go on them. So good!! 

In repayment for our dinosnack visit yesterday, we dressed up and delivered some to our friends. :)

Siobhan worked on some cool make up (when she wasn’t watching a ton of tv today). It came out pretty neat!

We took the dogs for a walk again. It was cold this evening so we only did a mile. Connor didn’t join us tonight.

I made some visuals for the food situation. Honestly if  a bcba isn’t working then what does she have to do with her time?? Excess visuals. That’s what.

Maybe now the fruit will get eaten. 

Today was a pretty chill day. Enjoying the time home with everyone. Connor did a great dance class and Aish did a dance workout. Al did groceries. He had to go to several stores to get thing; as many shelves looked like this:

I’m making some friend chicken with the extra oil so we can’t say we aren’t eating well.  :) 
Hope everyone had a good weekend. 

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