Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 17

Happy Monday!

Today was another rather boring day. :) the kids seem to have had an uptick in school work. Siobhan is dedicated to doing her own schedule and getting it all done. She has a nice routine of work then a quick break then back to work. 

I spent most of the day on the computer trying to figure out distance Learning for my sub separate students. Some ideas in the mix but huge learning curves for all of them. It’s great that there are so many resources out there but it’s also very overwhelming. 

Sam definitely seems to be getting the hang of this.

Connor and siobhan started online dance classes this week so there will be a change in our schedule again. They seemed to go well tonight. (No pictures of connor today)

Siobhan also had another online Girl Scout meeting. This one through council to work on her journey.
Again, I’m extremely thankful for so many opportunities. 

Aisling did a lot of work today and also did some dance exercises as well.

We played cards with dinner tonight. Then al and I played backgammon. I won. :)
Our schedule was really off today and we had a very late dinner. Without the usual hum of Activities it’s getting tricky to keep track of time. We will keep working on it. 

Hope everyone had a good day. 

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