Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wyatt's moment, shoes, and hair dressing....

So, Wyatt just got hearing aides. I never expected the reaction we got! He's been smiling constantly since having them put in! Now, when the baby was born he was extremely upset and grumpy for a long time. Then, school let out and messed with his schedule, so he was grumpy about that. But now he finally has something to smile about! He was watching Aisling dance earlier today and was smiling at her as though he knew she was dancing to music. Cool stuff, but it makes me wonder what he thought we were all doing before he could hear the music! Did he think we were randomly just shimmying around the house!? And, is he smiling because he's so happy tp hear, or because he's realized what idiots we are? He also has had some smiles for the baby, which he's never done before. He was smiling away at her, and leaned in for a hug! (Of course, when she started crying he pushed her away!)

Let's talk about shoes for a minute. What's the deal with kids and shoes? Connor has destroyed multiple shoes in the past week! He had a pair of crocs from wal-mart: those got trashed riding his bike (caught in a chain). He had a pair of flip flops: those were run over by the neighbor's riding mower. (They had, of course, been setting up an obstacle course for the neighbor, but neglected to tell him this....) And, he has a pair of sneakers that by the end of camping could have walked home by themselves. His toes were sticking out of them, and they smelled like, well, like really gross sneakers. The kicker is that he CRIED while throwing them away! Needless to say, tomorrow we are off to buy some shoes.... I wonder what he'll wear shopping....

Today Aisling was having a blast with her new sister. I am not sure Siobhan enjoyed it quite as much, but, hey, beauty comes with a price, no?

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