Friday, April 6, 2007


So Connor's going to kindergarten in the fall. I used to laugh when I heard of other moms crying when their kids went off to school. "Poor co-dependent saps" I used to think. Well, I guess I am not much better! Connor's been at the same day care since he was 6 months old. It' s pretty weird to think of someone else molding my kid for six hours a day.

We have a form to fill out with some questions about our kid and his or her placement in school. How do I describe my first born on one sheet of paper? How can I be sure that the one paper will sufficiently describe his strengths and weaknesses so that they will know who he is? Now, just so you don't think I am completely neurotic, I had a really really crappy education. Seriously, grades K-12 were all bad. I do not want that for him. I am a teacher, I have seen the good and the bad in our school system. I want him to be comfortable, happy even. I am sure that he will be successful; we have an amazing support network of friends, but I also want him to enjoy learning. It took me 25 years to get to the place where I actually wanted to learn.

I could also play that game of "oh, it happened so fast, I can't believe he's already 5!" That sounds so cliche, but it's true too. Of course, I have loved these 5 years, and am excited about the next few changes.

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