Friday, June 19, 2020

Social distancing... day 96


I’ve missed a few days. It’s been busy around here. Work is winding down for me. I have one client that I’ll keep for the summer but other than that everything is mostly done. 

With work being done I’ve started on redeocorating the den.
We’re going to paint the wood paneling a nice light yellow color. Connor and siobhan have been awfully helpful. :)

Siobhan continues to get more and more independent and has made her own breakfast a few times!
We were able to see wyatt for his 23rd birthday. It was a little overwhelming and a tad confusing for him. I think it took him a minute to figure out who we were with the masks on. We had to answer questions and then have our temperatures checked. We were given chairs to sit six feet away from him. It was so wonderful to see him but bittersweet not to be able to give him a big hug. He looks happy and healthy so that’s important.
Given the culture around us lately Girl Scouts held an event for Juneteenth today. It was a great opportunity for the girls to do some thinking and talking about issues in their lives now.  I think they had lots of food conversation! It really was a great event.

There was also a Virtual camp out tonight for Girl scouts! Such a great event lots of fun activities. Including a sing along!

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