Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gratuitous Picture Upload

It's been a while since I gave you all some pictures, so here's a bunch:
Chatting on the phone with her peeps!
First pig tails!

Playing in the sand at the baseball game. They were filthy!!!
The star of the baseball game!

Waiting as patiently as a seven year old boy can!
My best four year old girl!


angeleyes Blue said...

They are sure cute :)
Pam Tucker

Unknown said...

Too beautiful for words, Mother and Children!

mamafrugoli said...

Thanks so much both of you!

angeleyes Blue said...

Heather we get to say that because....Well my kids are teenagers now. Ours were sure cute when they were younger too! Now my 5'8" frame is the dwarf in our family. Daughter who by the way grows every night is closer to 6' now. She is all leg and I must say quite pretty even with her purple hidden hair.....Our son is also over 6'. He also grows every night.
Have a great time Miss Heather---We sure are....I think! I know?!
Have an awesome day :)
Cousin Pam in Albuquerque---You know we never get rain. Well it rained all night! My hubby, Daughter and I redid the front garden yesterday. Took out some OLD ground cover. We put in new!

It kinda looks like a drowned rat BUT it is still there!
Enjoy your day my friend
Cousin Pam