Friday, October 24, 2008

Here we go to Boston....

We are out of school over Thursday and Friday this week, and have decided to take a quick trip to Boston. So far we've gone to the pool, (except Siobhan and I, as we forgot her diapers). Then we went out to dinner with my dad and Al's mom and aunt. Then, we also went to Target. Oh yes, for a Vermont girl, going to Target is essential. However, we went there at 8:00 PM, [oh yes, again, I am THAT MOM] so we only lasted about 30 minutes. It was akin to torture. But, we did get the diapers for the pool. The doors of the hotel are automatic, and Aisling referred to them as 'magical'. Today we are off to the aquarium. I'll keep you posted!


jennoonan said...

Poo! i wish i knew you were going to be here!

i haven't seen you in forever.

Where are you staying?

mamafrugoli said...

Get this, as we were driving in, I went "Oh *&^&% I forgot to bring Jen's number....." I was totally thinking about you... but we're home now. I wish I had gotten back on the computer sooner too.... I suck. Sorry.