Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Social distancing.... day 46


We had trouble getting out of bed today. I didn’t do my yoga and the kids just wanted to hang in bed.
Al ended up going to the office today. They had a mobile testing event for his staff. They tested about 300 people. That’s pretty impressive. I do think the best way to stay ahead of this is to increase testing. 

It was a beautiful day today and we were able to
Take our walk. It’s been a few days! 

We continued to share Connors acceptance information. We are so excited for him! 

We also had our period packs donations picked up today! What an exciting project that was. 

We are working on waiting for I formation from my union. It sounds like they may be considering ways for us to come back into the building.  Obviously not everyone is a fan of this and it does sound dangerous. I’m waiting to hear what the union has to say about it all. 

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