Saturday, April 4, 2020

Social distancing.... day 22

Errand filled Saturday. 

We ended up being out of the house several times today. I was able to get an Iced coffee from dunks for the first time in three weeks. THAT was exciting.
While at the store getting the coffee I noticed the tape on the floors so we could wait in line while distanced. There was also some unfortunate conversation about the virus while I was there. People behind me blaming China for creating this virus in a lab in order to shut down capitalization. Interesting and slightly racist conversation.  

Aisling did her dance class today by going to RDA to use an empty studio.

While we were there we ran into our good friend, “cousin” Ruby. Had a nice visit from six feet away.
We miss usual visits and it was nice to say hello. 

Siobhan and Connor started dance classes over Zoom today. I think they were happy to have the interaction.

We played a little game of scrabble during lunch today. We were able to make light of one of our words.

Aisling and I ran an errand today to get some fabric to make masks.
While out we wore our masks for the first time.
It was a little unnerving. It was stressful to wear the Masks and certainly made everything feel more real. 

Once home I started making the masks.
I’m not a sewer, so this was a huge learning curve. It took a long time and I needed to take it apart several times. I do think it will be easier to make more tomorrow. 

The new suggestion is that everyone where masks whenever they leave the house. So I plan to make enough for all of us. There is varying information on which fabric to use. I opted to use cotton. It’s a little emotional to think of why these are being used. I’m hoping we continue to steer clear of any infection so hoping these will help. 

I realized I was feeling stresssd and a little cranky today. I think it was the pressure of making these masks. Scary to think of wearing them every day and scary to think of not. 

I was able to have a little birthday celebration with my friends from vermont today.

Overall a very emotional day, made better by the birthday celebration. Lots of laughs and love shared. We need that in this time. Hope everyone found some light and love today. 

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