Sunday, April 19, 2020

Social distancing.... day 37

Happy Sunday. 

Today I woke up around 6:30. I just couldn’t get my brain to stop. I did some Girl Scout work and restlessly moved around throughout the house. Siobhan woke up around 9:00 and then everyone else around 11:30. 

Siobhan and I spent some quiet time watching television. She had a cat of course.

We did a lot of cleaning today. That felt nice. In some ways it sometimes feels like we are busier than we used to be, but i think a lot of it could be the uncertainty of every thing. After that aisling offered to curl my hair. I so love hanging out with her.

We drove to poppy’s house to do his Groceries and have dinner again. This time he also bought us coffee.
That was wonderful!

We taught him how to play left, right, center, and he had his own set of pieces at his table. That was a blast.

We enjoyed dinner from Mexicali. It was really yummy!
Connor was home doing a dance class so he didn’t join us today.
Aisling made brownies for dessert.
It was great to see him. 

I feel a mix of safety in that none of us has gotten sick so far, but also anxiety over the thought of social distancing ending and this increasing.  It’s also stressful to think of this continuing. Really one day at a time is all we can do. I read stories about healthy people my age dying of this and really get so worried. I have to not think of that and just work to make this a happy time for the kids. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Tomorrow is patriots day. It will be weird not to wake up and check the marathon. 

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