Friday, March 20, 2020

Social distancing.... day 7

It’s Friday. :)
We started our day with our usual yoga. Sam did his usual getting in the way. 

We then did some work. Siobhan did a great job focusing on her math and ELA work today. She had another class meeting today on google hangouts, and then tackled some social studies and science.  Aisling finished a lot of work as well and Connor did some physics work today as well as a lot of other work.
Siobhan made time for kitty snuggles today as well. 

Al also did some groceries today, and unpacked the car of things from his office.
 No idea that he had so many plants in his office. I guess they live here now.... 

He set up his office in our bedroom and was able to get quite a few meetings done today.
An office with a view. 

I had a meeting today with over 49 atendees on zoom. We are still trying to figure out services and education for all our students. 

Siobhan tried a new dance class today. I’m very proud of her for trying something new. She worked hard!
She did a contemporary class.
We took the dogs for a good long walk this afternoon as well. The dogs are really enjoying us being home. 

We ordered dinner out tonight at a local Italian place. They had a special deal. It was delicious!!
It was very surreal to see the empty parking lot at 7:00 on a Friday night. 

Scary and confusing times. We are pushing through one day at a time. Trying to stay busy. 

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