Monday, March 23, 2020

Social distancing .... day 10

And it’s back to Monday. 

I had quite a few meetings today. Still waiting for more guidance from dese to figure out next steps. Things are moving slowly. 

Siobhan did a New York City ballet class today so that was great. The kids also did a great job with all of their lessons today. I guess they are finding comfortable learning spaces.
Connor also did a ballet class and a tap class today. And aisling worked on her drills and new steps. 

Connor and I played scrabble with lunch, although he cheated.
Siobhan also did a “field trip” this afternoon. The Cincinnati zoo is doing live videos each day. Todayit  was all about cheetahs, which are her favorite animal.
Can’t beat a field trip from the couch! 
The kids also did some chores today.
We had card games with dinner

After dinner we girls did some face masks.

Today was a quiet day. The weather was kind of dreary so we did not go for our walk. Conversations seem to circle around the reality of not returning to work by April 6. Massachusetts is sarting a total shutdown of non essential businesses tomorrow. We are all really hoping that people stick to the social distancing and flatten the curve of this thing. 

Dad was discharged from the hospital today and is home. He’s been there since Friday. Fingers crossed he stays safe and healthy. 

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