Saturday, March 21, 2020

Social distancing.... day 8

Happy Saturday! 

Today we decided to sleep in. We’re really trying to stick to sleep/wake schedules from our school and work lives. I was looking forward to getting some weekend good rest. That is until the dogs started barking around 7:30. 

We decided to start our day with a movie. Siobhan chose avengers end game.
A fantastic movie!!  It ran a little long for her taste so she took a break. 

We had a visitor pop by during our break.
Steve and the dinosaur suit. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ always entertaining. And.... he brought treats!
Delicious cupcakes!! Thanks Steve!! We miss being able to visit with our friends. That’s been pretty hard. 

The dogs were more than confused about our visitor, and kept eyes out for other unwanted dinosaurs

All the kids did some dancing today, which made my heart very happy.
And connor also did a little piano.

We had a fun lunch of “dip foods”

And then we went for a walk. 1.75 miles of fresh air.
And a little craziness nice to be all together. 
After dinner we were able to celebrate a birthday of a dear friend. We played Pictionary through google hangouts. It was chaotic and perfect.
It was a great way to reconnect through all of this. 

1 comment:

sarah said...

i'm glad the quarasaurus rex brightened your day :)