Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Social distancing... day 11

Today was another slow day, although I felt quite productive. 

We had a struggle getting out of bed today.

We started with our usual yoga... with dogs.

The kids got a lot of work done and I had several meetings. 
Connor and Siobhan did a tap class today! And Aisling had a zoom online class. Aisling also had a Netflix party tonight. I love the creativity in social distancing.

We took another walk today in the beautiful weather. 
Dinner feels a little bit like “chopped”. What can we make with random foods? We pulled together a minestrone soup! No child ate it.... but I thought it was delicious.
Siobhan was lots of help in cooking.

I mailed dad a new sudoku book and he called to let me know he’s enjoying it. Hoping that keeps him out of trouble. 

1 comment:

Stefani Marie said...

Good job quarantining! Looks like you and your family had a great day! You rock! 😊