Friday, June 5, 2020

Social distancing.... day 83


I had very little work to do today so it was a pretty relaxing day.
Connor spent some time chilling with the kitty.
I spent a little time repairing masks. 

We also had a black lives matter rally tonight. We decided to go and do our best social distancing. Weird to be protesting while also in a pandemic. We stayed back from the crowd but still felt like we could be part of everything. We couldn’t hear a lot of the speakers but the message was clear.

I did notice some Police officers kneeling, but some were not. There were no counter protesters which was nice. 

Tonight Conor also had a virtual dance competition. He did not place but I was proud of him for trying. They also showed his duo tonight.

Lots of emotions at the protest. I’m sure it won’t be our last. It will take a while for things to change. 

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