Thursday, May 14, 2020

Social distancing .... day 62


Today was a long and tiring day. However, there were lots of highlights. 

Work was crazy, but i was able to do some work outside again. The weather was gorgeous.

We also ate lunch outside together today.
In fact it was so hot I moved under the umbrella for shade! 

The girls and I got our delivery frkm fab fit fun today! We’ve been waiting for this for a while and we were so Excited. It’s the little things lately

Aisling had another birthday parade today. Again it was so wonderful to see her so happy again. She misses her friends so very much. 

She worked very hard on a poster for Erin which she decorated with lots of memories and loving facts about Erin.

Finally we were able to have a fire pit tonight. The weather was perfect.

Aisling and I had some hard conversations tonight. Girl Scout camp has been cancelled and it was extremely upsetting. Aisling has had so many things cancelled. It’s really hard. She had a rough day today. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully she will be feeling better. 

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