Sunday, November 14, 2010

Boston; a nice place to visit.....

The last weekend in October is always a long weekend in Vermont. We took the opportunity to head to Boston. We spent one day at the Boston museum of science, and another day to go to the Lego store, and American Girl store. It was a weekend well spent. It was nice to have some time to visit with my dad too.

First we went to the museum of Science in Boston.
Brush brush brush!
Playing with magnets:
We had discovered that there was a meeting for Lego Club members the next day at the Natick Mall, coincidentally the same mall where we were going for lunch at the American Girl Store. Score! Connor and Al hung out building things:Lego Club members also get a special t-shirt:
(obviously an exclusive club)There was also a little indoor playground in the mall.
Wyatt and dad waited while the kids played for a few minutes.
(Although this looks like a prison line up picture, I assure you it's not)
We then took everyone to the American Girl Store. Aisling had a gift card for her birthday. She was able to get her doll's ears pierced. (The things you can pay people to do these days.....) The girls were in heaven. They each got a special high chair for their dolls, as well as a special tea cup and plate.
Connor tried really hard to maintain a cool image; although I think he rather liked the can you not like three mini ice cream cones; even if you are surrounded by pink?

Wyatt was just thrilled with the whole weekend!

Siobhan and I shared a giant sundae:
You'd be surprised at how much she ate!
The girls had a blast, and I am sure they would love to go back there someday. Thankfully, we can send Connor to the Lego store!

We had a really great time. We also helped Poppy rake leaves the next day. I'll post those pictures later.

Visiting Boston makes me remember how much I love it there. However, I also remember why we left. Holy cow is there a lot of traffic, and so many people! And, everyone is in such a rush. Also, we got lost so many times. I think we went both ways on the Tobin Bridge. Ugh. I am so glad we are close enough to visit, but I'm not sure we'll ever move back!

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