Thursday, June 5, 2008

Version 3.5

Okay, I'll admit it, I was cocky. I assumed, since we already had three kids, so to speak, adding one more would be a piece of cake. *snort* However, I neglected to remember, that when Wyatt moved in he was 8. He was not a nursing baby!!! He was able to be left alone.

This is very different. I forgot how much time it takes to nurse a baby. I will say that when Wyatt moved in we went to 2.5 kids, and now we're at 3.5. (Not that Wyatt's only half a child, but you know what I mean!)

I've heard the quote that going from two kids to three kids is like going from one on one defense to zone defense. That's an analogy to which I can relate! I'm never alone! I've managed to do so many things now while nursing. Need a good night story? no worries, I can nurse and read. Butt wiped? Sure, I'm only nursing. Wyatt needs to be fed? Sure, I can nurse and do that. Change a light bulb? Why not! I'm sure, at this point, I could fix NASA's clogged toilet while nursing. It's like a super power, really.

Here are some new pics:


~M~ said...

But the real question is...can you pee while nursing???

mamafrugoli said...

Oh, that's a question you probably don't want answered! ;)

(Only a fellow mom would ask that question!)

~M~ said...

hehehe :)

aviendra said...

may the universe bless you! I often feel totally overwhelmed by our one (20mo old).

This is Kevin's high school buddy Sarah, fyi. I didn't stalk you ... he sent me the link to this blog. :)

mamafrugoli said...

Sara, of "Sara and Brian"? I remember you! Keven shows me pictures of your daughter every now and then. Anytime you want to feel less overwhelmed, just check out this blog! =)

Unknown said...

Yes! Read often. Also print some pictures to be "proud Grandma" whenever I see friends --or relatives!
Gra'ma Sue

aviendra said...

Yep, that's me/us!

Noelle has her own blog at

in case you ever want to feel ... uh, more overwhelmed? That's not cool... ;)